2017 USA BMX Gold Cup Series presented by DK Bicycles

Autor: Administrator (marek.psenicka@centrum.cz), Téma: USA BMX
Vydáno dne 05. 02. 2017 (48613 přečtení)

Location of Regional Finals Announced

USA BMX and DK Bicycles are pleased to announce the final locations of the 2017 Gold Cup Finals. With six regions encompassing the United States and Canada and over 75 qualifying races, the Gold Cup series has grown into one of the best-attended series in USA BMX.

In 2016 each of the finals continued to grow, even though three more locations were added. "The Gold Cup Series has always been a regionally based series. By increasing the number of regions, we increased the access and affordability to compete for our membership," said BA Anderson, CEO USA BMX.

The Gold Cup Series presented by DK Bikes involves a rider counting his/her best two scores from Gold Cup events, per the Gold Cup/State/Provincial Points Table, and his/her scores from Saturday & Sunday at the Gold Cup Final. Riders may race a Gold Cup Final in any region; however, may only earn a number plate in one region.

In addition to awarding a Gold Cup jacket and No.1 plate to the winner in each age & skill level, we also award Gold Cup No.2 & No.3 plates. Finally, at the Finals, both Saturday and Sunday will also offer quadruple district points for riders.


The Gold Cup South Central and Gold Cup Northeast Finals will be held the weekend of September 8 through 10 and will take place in DeSoto, Texas (South Central) and Kingston, New York (Northeast). Both Metroplex BMX in DeSoto and Kingston Point BMX in Kingston are tracks that have hosted USA BMX national and Gold Cup events.

The weekend of September 15-17 will be the USA BMX Fall Nationals and the BMX Canada Maple Leaf Nationals.


Gold Cup Finals will return the weekend of September 22-24 with the Gold Cup North Central and Gold Cup Northwest. The Gold Cup North Central will take place in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and the Northwest Finals will take place in Eugene, Oregon. Like the other locations, both Central Wisconsin BMX and Emerald Valley BMX are venues familiar with hosting large races.


The final two stops of the USA BMX Gold Cup Series presented by DK Bicycles will take place the weekend of September 29 through October 1 with the Gold Cup Southeast and the Gold Cup Southwest Finals. The Southeast finals will be held at Circle City BMX in Dothan, Alabama. The location of the Southwest Finals will be announced at a later date.