Training camps 2012 at the World cycling centre

Autor: Administrator (, Téma: News BMX
Vydáno dne 26. 01. 2012 (3426 přečtení)

Dear All,

I send you enclosed our offers and prices 2012 for the training camps of the UCI National Federations at the World Cycling Centre (WCC) in Aigle (Switzerland). You will also find the reservation form.

These training camps are those organised by the national teams, which come to use our facilities independently, with their own trainer.

In this Olympic year, we encourage you to book your training camps as soon as possible, especially for BMX and track, to be able to offer you the best possible conditions and training schedules. Please feel free to ask me about the availabilities. We can also take pre-bookings without obligation.

As information, we organise each year about 150 training camps in all the cycling disciplines, as well in other sports, for national teams, regional teams, clubs, etc. We are happy of all these requests, which motive us to develop the WCC as best as we can.

Please feel free to ask me if you have any question.

We wish you all the best for this Olympic season and hope to see you soon at the World Cycling Centre.

Best regards

Carine Siegenthaler
Responsable administration
Centre Mondial du Cyclisme
World Cycling Centre
Ch. de la Mêlée 12
CH - 1860 Aigle
Tél. : +41 24 468 58 85
Fax : +41 24 468 58 90

Training camps 2012 at the WCC - HERE (pdf)