Statement from UEC Board towards the Dutch Riders

Autor: Administrator (, Téma: UEC - Euro races, Source:
Vydáno dne 29. 06. 2011 (2505 přečtení)

From UEC BMX Commission

Dear Dutch Riders

Many of you cannot start at European BMX Championships and Challenger at Haaksbergen. This is very sad and unlucky decision of KNWU BMX Commission.

UEC BMX Commission is forced to respect this as we have always to respect decisions of National Federation. When this decisions are not according to UEC competition rules it can cause the sanctions for the organizer partner (KNWU) Unfortunately this can`t help you. I tried a few times to talk with Dutch BMX Commission, but without any success, as they see one direction only. KNWU BMX Commission has last chance, as we allowed to entrée you at spot. For the moment is this only what we can do for you. This is as well new experience for us, as it is something new, what never happens till now. We promise you for the future to write the Charge book for the organizer so, that can`t happen anymore. I hope that the KNWU BMX Commission will over think they decision and we can see you race at Haaksbergen.

With kind regards
UEC BMX Commission