Help for Artis Zentis

Autor: Administrator (, Téma: News BMX
Vydáno dne 15. 02. 2011 (13130 přečtení)

Hello friends from this awesome world!

I have made some arrangements to simplify your donation for the B I G operation. I mean, I am using PayPal account to make it happen - making it possible to help me for everyone, and thanks again.

I remind you that I had a big crash in 2009/03/03 in a BMX training. I have made 2 operations already, still 3 have to be done. I hope you all can give me a kind financial support for putting my leg back together. Is it 5, 10, 20, 50 or more Euros, but it is very important for me. It is urgent operation, because the knee is without any cords, what makes it in more danger.

Please donate to my PayPal:

P.S. – I am opened for your questions and any other information!

Rise and shine,
Artis Žentiņš