ABA BMX and GO211.com announce long term partnership Autor: Administrator (marek.psenicka@centrum.cz), Téma: News BMX, Source: www.ababmx.com Vydáno dne 25. 06. 2010 (3080 přečtení) June 24, 2010 – Gilbert, Arizona The American Bicycle Association and GO211.com are pleased to announce an exclusive agreement through 2015. The agreement between GO211.com and the ABA will ensure webcast of ABA National events through 2015. “Through our partnership with GO211.com we are able to bring the most exciting BMX racing events to the masses. We understand that entire families are not always able to travel to every event and that through this service they can still watch their family and friends compete,’ said BA Anderson, ABA CEO. “GO211 has been a great partner and we look forward to the next five years and beyond.” The agreement with GO211.com and the ABA continues a partnership that has been in place for the past three years. Through the past and current arrangement, GO211.com will be present at ABA Nationals broadcasting via their website to BMX parents, families, and fans around the globe. “We are thrilled to be covering national events over the next five years and are excited to be partnered with the ABA” said Sean Aruda, GO211.com C.E.O. “GO211 has enjoyed the professionalism by which the ABA manages their events and the tremendous amount of viewers that visit GO211 to watch ABA events.” The American Bicycle Association prides itself on the growth of BMX and providing the best customer service possible. “A lot of changes have occurred to the internet in the last five years and we are confident that GO211 will stay at the forefront and continue to be a valuable partner as we move forward,” said Anderson. “GO211.com has allowed friends and family members to be part of many of our National Series events from the comfort of their own home. This is an important service that we are able to provide our members.” As part of the agreement, in addition to providing great streaming broadcast, GO211 will become even more visible for riders and fans attending National Series events. Be on the look out for some of those changes at a National event near you. For the remainder of the 2010 National Series schedule look for live broadcast of the Blackjack and Disney Cup Nationals in addition to the Redline Cup West and the ABA Race of Champions and the ABA Grand Nationals. About the American Bicycle Association: ABA (American Bicycle Association), formed in 1977 and headquartered in Chandler, Arizona is “The Sanctioning Body of BMX”©. The ABA organizes BMX racing for boys, girls and adults, nationwide and Canada. With 60,000 active members, 274 racing facilities and a 27 event national race schedule, ABA is the largest promoter of action sports. About G0211.com: GO211 is an Action Sports community that represents athletes within Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Surfing and Bike. We present LIVE webcasts of major alternative sports events happening around the world. Become a member, connect with friends or the GO211 team and stay up to date on the latest happenings. |