INFO FROM UEC BMX Autor: Administrator (, Téma: News BMX Vydáno dne 28. 04. 2010 (2855 přečtení) To al European BMX Federations. I saw some confusion concerning the UEC BMX Rules at Besancon, as the some our Rules are not at all Documents, for many peoples was not clear what rule is valid. Now I did the same update to all documents and this is already replaced at our web-site. This concerns the following rules: Automatically pedals are not permitted for Challenger riders 12 & under at all European races and lead to automatically disqualification of riders. (Last place) A short pant is not permitted for all Champion and Challenger classes at European races and lead to automatically disqualification of riders. (Last place) Good visual lateral plate according to rules is compulsory, when this is not correct riders will be scored as last at those race. Entrée fee payment could be made by bank transfer, in this case you Chef d equip Must be able to show quittance to organizer by accreditation or he/she can pay cash at at spot. Riders registration is complete and valid after payment of entrée fees, so the rules. Bids application for organization of European Championships rounds 2012 and Finals 2013 is open from now till end of June 2010. UEC BMX Commission will propose at the meeting in Norway Wednesday 7th of July, who should be organizer of those races? As this is Olympic year we are looking for about 4 Indoor events and two or three outdoor. We will finish European Championship at first weekend of May 2012. Chef d equip meetings are always at Saturday 9 o`clock, sometimes is very important to be there to get possibly new information’s for you and your riders. I will be very pleased for you Chef d equip or his Assistant at spot to use this opportunity and be present there, as excuse I don`t know this, or we don`t had information’s, count not as apologize, at possible troubles during event, what I don`t hope for anybody. With Kind Regards I.Kesic UEC BMX Comm. |