Autor: Administrator (marek.psenicka@centrum.cz), Téma: News BMX, Source: Jan Gorbach
Vydáno dne 05. 02. 2010 (3804 přečtení)

1. BMX RACING FESTIVAL - BMX BUNDESLIGA will be held in MSC-Ingersheim (Germany) from 23th of April to 25th of April 2010.

We are currently planing round 2/3 of the german BMX Bundesliga series to become a big $$$ race with up to € 5.000,- worth of prize money.

The invitation is international and everyone holding a valid 2010 UCI or BDR licence is permitted to race. However, the money will only be distributed to the elite men and women classes.

Yet on top of it, we will have lots of material prizes for e.g. 'best holeshot', 'best crash of the day', etc.

Theres will be a bicyle expo all weekend and rider's parties on Friday and Saturday night.

Camping will be right next to the newly revised track, though a list of hotels nearby can be found on www.ingersheim-bmx.de

Additional sponsors for the event are more than welcome and may contact us via the above mentioned link to the website.

Our highest aim will be to leave a positive imprint to all the guests and participants, and make this a huge BMX event.