Autor: Administrator (, Téma: News BMX, Source:,
Vydáno dne 06. 01. 2010 (44132 přečtení)

The long standing National Bicycle League leader, Bob Tedesco, is retiring from his position as NBL Director of Competition effective immediately. The NBL Board of Directors will leave the position vacant until after Competition Congress in early February when a new Board of Directors will be elected.

On his retirement, Bob said, “The time has come for me to step down and retire as the Director of Competition of the National Bicycle League. This position I have held for many years has been both challenging and rewarding. It has been my sincere pleasure to serve the National Bicycle League in this capacity, and I truly appreciate all the support that I have always received from the Board of Directors.

I am extremely pleased with Gary Aragon’s approach and vision for the future of the NBL and my retirement will help him and the Board members prepare and review candidates for their selection after Congress. I have immense confidence and am certain that Gary will succeed in making the NBL once again “The Best in BMX”.

I look forward to my complete retirement from the NBL and look forward to the future and having a good time with Polly and our family and whatever else the future holds for me.”

During the interim, the NBL will be accepting resumes for the position. Once the new Board of Directors is in place, they will review the candidates and choose the best candidate based on the criteria set forth in the NBL Bylaws.

The NBL would like to sincerely thank Bob Tedesco for his lifetime of service to the NBL and BMX Racing, and wishes him happiness in his retirement.