UEC BMX NEWS - April 2006

Autor: Administrator (marek.psenicka@centrum.cz), Téma: News BMX
Vydáno dne 20. 04. 2006 (5493 přečtení)


UEC BMX NEWS - April 2006

Registered Teams by the UEC BMX Commission:
5 National Teams and 9 Trade Teams

Natioanal Teams


Switzerland - Urs Kropf
Norway - TBC
Holland - Ton Kolvoort
Germany - Gerhard Meyer
England - Carole Gosling

Trade Teams

TRADE Team - Team Chef

Free Agent World Team - Dale Holmes
Crupi Europe Team - Pete Phillips
Staats Europe Team - Jorg Delowe
Freanchys Distribution - Marc Lecossols
One Bycyles - Ch. v. Groenendaal
Schijf BMX - Hans Seesing
MXM Sport Team - Noel Gys
CICLOMANIA - G. Bonini - Manuel de Cecchi
SUNEX BMX Team - Mickey Lavandet

Time Schedule EC Round 6

Below you will find he new time table for Sunday at Haaksbergen, this is a special exception on request of organizer.


09:15 – 09.45 gate practice boys 9 - boys 13/14 years (bloc 1)
girls 9 - girls 13/14 years (bloc 1)
all cruiser classes 13 years and over (bloc 1)

10:00 moto 1-3 (bloc-1)
12:15 – 12:45 gate practice boys and girls 15/16 (bloc 2)
boys 17/18, men 19 and over (bloc 2)
junior men and junior women (bloc 2)
elite men and elite women (bloc 2)

13:00 moto 1-3 bloc 2
1/8-finals bloc 1+2
1/4-finals bloc 1+2
semi-finals bloc 1+2
finals bloc 1+2

Final Rounds Cheddar

Well would like to inform you that we added the categorie women 17+ Challenge to Cheddar, like we did last year.